Can you give me the contact address of Rachel Ward ? Thanks
posted over a year ago
posted by benny hobbs
You are the best! Would love to know yor life better. Thanks Benny
posted over a year ago
posted by Kevin Thibodeau
I just finished watching The Thorn Birds, one my very favorite movies. I had a video copy of it in the mid 90's, lost it and recently obtained the CD. It reminded me of just how beautiful you are.
posted over a year ago
posted by shawn
i think you are a great actress
posted over a year ago
posted by Eliseo
Hola: Deseo saber si la actriz Rachel Ward actualmente (Diciembre 2009) está trabajando en alguna Serie o película. Eliseo- LU8FID- Santa Fe- R.Argentina
posted over a year ago
posted by Feroz Y Khan
I think I was married to someone like you or Jane Badler.I am Queen Armada.I am still and am the infrastructure of Antarctica,Galactica.I am going back to Galactica even though it is part of a star.Nothing left.I used to be the government of our super space travelling land.I only marry lesbians and lesbian shemales.You were when I was under 7 but it was a lot of trouble to making me together.My face is aging and my hair is redish old age.I am witch form.I am part of the dreamworld.The Lord David Coverdale reported to Allah to destroy our society.
posted over a year ago
posted by VALCART Eliseo Luis
Su película "El Pájaro canta hasta Morir" es la mejor serie romántica que ha realizado con R. Chamberlayn. Extraordinaria su actuación en todos los aspectos. Es un film para ver sin cansarse, pero doblada al castellano (soy ARGENTINO).El Capítulo más impactante es el encuentro en la playa con Richard. Su actuación es formidable, todo 10 puntos. De alma desearía tener una copia de esa filmografía grandiosa. Atte. LU8FID- SANTA FE- REP. ARGENTINA
posted over a year ago
posted by husna
just watched thorbirds with my family after 20 years and found you so natural and good kids told me that i ressembles you when i was at your age and its a compliment for me.
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