Hi nancy mckeon, I'm a huge fan of yours beacuse i love you with all my heart. I admire tou more then anything in the world. I want to be friends with you on facebook. Can you at least except that. i love you with every beat of my heart. You are one of a kind. thats why you are my favorite.
posted over a year ago
posted by sarah
Hi Nancy justine mckeon.I was wondering if you accept me as your freind on facebook. That would make me so happy. I'm a huge fan of yours beacuse you are my personal favorite actress from facts of life series. I do love the rest of the cast as will. I know that you retired from acting. But i do support you anyways. I grew up watching the facts of life series. I give you alot credit beacuse you for being a mother in everything. I look up to you. And i admire you so much. I love you my friend.
posted over a year ago
posted by sarah payne
I love nancy mckeon beacuse shes the best actress in the series. I do anything to be her friend. You always be missd in the facts of life. I'm a huge fan for everything you do. I support that. You are everything to me.
posted over a year ago
posted by Sarah
I love watching facts of life series sence i younger. I would love to be friends with joanna marie mckeon. Please. Shes my peronal favorite actress from the facts of life. I have been so hard to send her a message to her on facebook. I love her more then ever. I wish i could meet her. But i understand that shes very busy being a mother and her job. I give her alot of credit for that. i admire for what she does when comes to acting. I know thats not always easy. but i do anything to give her alot of support she needs. I think she needs to take time for herself and her family. I know how it feels when it comes to acting. I like to be friends with you on facebook if you can just give me a chance.Plase. I love you. You dont know how hard i tried to contact you.
posted over a year ago
posted by John
I have for years looked upon this young Lady with a great deal of admination. I don't know whatype of personality she might have but from what I have seen she must be Great GOD BLESS AND BE WELL
posted over a year ago
posted by Naomi Christides
Having watch you way back in the begining of your carreer, I only have to tell you that in my eyes you are one of prettiest woman is show business. Not changing a whole a lot since you started in the "Facts of Life" you have always made me smile watching you act. Recently watching the "The Tracy Thurman Story", again. I just wanted to tell you that I thought your acting and partiapation in this movie was great.
posted over a year ago
posted by viktor snow
wow nancy mckeon has been beautiful all her life she never takes a bad photo shes been my crush ever since she was on the facts of life i hope to see her in more movies and pics thanks
posted over a year ago
posted by FRED DOUGLAS
posted over a year ago
posted by Scott
I watched you on TV in College. I always thought you were beautiful, as beautiful as Eva LaRue on CSI-Miami. If Eva LaRue ever leaves CSI-Maimi, they should bring you on CSI-Miami with David Caruso (Horatio Caine). What can I say, you're perfect! "We won't get fooled again! Go Nancy, You're the best! You out do Emily Procter in looks too!
posted over a year ago
posted by Hope
She's beautiful. As always.
posted over a year ago
posted by conor murphy
Nancy you realy were are and always will be 1 in a million biggest fan in ireland.conor
posted over a year ago
posted by mike Bishop
I did'nt get to watch "Comfort and Joy" this Christmas. I really missed it. You're still one of the best Nancy, you always will be. Mike
posted over a year ago
posted by Denise
i appreciate that you don't have any pictures that are inappropriate.
posted over a year ago
posted by Don Staley
Hello, Back when the facts of life aired,I use to babysit my brother,s kid,I must say I had quite the chursh on Nancy As time went on thing,s change.My bother,s son is now in collage,and my brother recently died from colon cancer.The other night I caught a rerun and it brought back some great memories. Thank,s
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